Electronic market is one of the fastest developing markets in Poland and in the world. In recent years, sales related to this sector has amounted to 2.9% of total sales in the whole Polish industry. The electronic market is comprised of IT sector , which includes computers, tablets, audio/video devices, and photography, and smartphone dominated GSM sector characterized by the fastest growth rate. At present, the Polish market is the leader of all Central and Eastern Europe countries as for the number of smartphones and tablets per capita. There are more smartphone than cell phone owners, and 10% of Poles have already acquired a tablet. According to Business Monitor International experts forecasts, the consumer electronic goods market value will gradually increase. In 2014, it will come to approx. USD 7.2 bn.
Household appliances sector has also noted a significant increase. On the basis of available Central Statistical Office data concerning the volume of household appliances held by Polish households, it is estimated that every household has approx. 10 items of small household appliances. Sales value of domestic sector of small household appliances is estimated for around PLN 2 bn, whereas by volume it amounts to 6 m pcs. per year. Thanks to the household appliances market volatility, manufacturers try to outdo one another in introducing innovations or technologies to gain new clients. On the other hand, products imported from Asia start to play an important role due to their competitive prices. Therefore, market saturation growth dynamics significantly exceeds other product categories.
Major changes and development can also be seen on the lighting market. The European Union Directive has specified a detailed schedule for replacement of old light bulbs with energy-saving ones. Both the directive and consumer energy-saving awareness have contributed to gradual withdrawal of traditional light bulbs. Currently, LED technology plays an important role in sales share. LED lamps are more durable and energy-saving than the old ones. In a few years, they will become the basic light source for both individuals and companies.
The entire Polish electronic market value amounts to less than PLN 30 bn. 80% of the products are sold through traditional, whereas 20% through online channels. The same products are sold through both channels, but in the online channel case accessories constitute the major part of sales. Additionally, the online channel has been developing since online shops can be accessed from mobile devices.
Currently, development of traditional shops on the online market can be observed. They have been recently focused not only on stationary retail market, but have been developing within this segment as well. Traditional shops own over 80% of the market. On the one hand, such strategy allows reaching new customers through a new online distribution channel, whereas on the other hand, it allows using their sales potential more effectively. Direct sales includes individual shops, small- and large-size specialist shop chains, hypermarket chains with electronics and electronic accessories departments providing wide product range. One also cannot forget about retail market and discount stores, which more frequently offer electronic goods and peripherals.
Therefore, apart from the development of online sales, it can be seen that traditional sales has been continuously growing and combining with the former, creating multichannel sales.
With regard to the electronics market, the traditional and online sales model, as well as the increasing number of the links connecting them, require new sales approach. However, this does not eliminate product presentation. In case of accessories, one of the major factors is still matching and, consequently, appropriate product display. As far as this market is concerned, large-size specialized chains and large-format stores having enough space for product presentation and consultancy are the main sales channels.
Household appliances sector has also noted a significant increase. On the basis of available Central Statistical Office data concerning the volume of household appliances held by Polish households, it is estimated that every household has approx. 10 items of small household appliances. Sales value of domestic sector of small household appliances is estimated for around PLN 2 bn, whereas by volume it amounts to 6 m pcs. per year. Thanks to the household appliances market volatility, manufacturers try to outdo one another in introducing innovations or technologies to gain new clients. On the other hand, products imported from Asia start to play an important role due to their competitive prices. Therefore, market saturation growth dynamics significantly exceeds other product categories.
Major changes and development can also be seen on the lighting market. The European Union Directive has specified a detailed schedule for replacement of old light bulbs with energy-saving ones. Both the directive and consumer energy-saving awareness have contributed to gradual withdrawal of traditional light bulbs. Currently, LED technology plays an important role in sales share. LED lamps are more durable and energy-saving than the old ones. In a few years, they will become the basic light source for both individuals and companies.
The entire Polish electronic market value amounts to less than PLN 30 bn. 80% of the products are sold through traditional, whereas 20% through online channels. The same products are sold through both channels, but in the online channel case accessories constitute the major part of sales. Additionally, the online channel has been developing since online shops can be accessed from mobile devices.
Currently, development of traditional shops on the online market can be observed. They have been recently focused not only on stationary retail market, but have been developing within this segment as well. Traditional shops own over 80% of the market. On the one hand, such strategy allows reaching new customers through a new online distribution channel, whereas on the other hand, it allows using their sales potential more effectively. Direct sales includes individual shops, small- and large-size specialist shop chains, hypermarket chains with electronics and electronic accessories departments providing wide product range. One also cannot forget about retail market and discount stores, which more frequently offer electronic goods and peripherals.
Therefore, apart from the development of online sales, it can be seen that traditional sales has been continuously growing and combining with the former, creating multichannel sales.
With regard to the electronics market, the traditional and online sales model, as well as the increasing number of the links connecting them, require new sales approach. However, this does not eliminate product presentation. In case of accessories, one of the major factors is still matching and, consequently, appropriate product display. As far as this market is concerned, large-size specialized chains and large-format stores having enough space for product presentation and consultancy are the main sales channels.